Arya News - NATO countries have stepped up military activities in the Arctic region and are increasing their military presence in the region, Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Aleksander Moiseev said on Thursday.
The maritime component of Russia"s strategic nuclear forces has been modernized and is in condition of the highest readiness, according to Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Alexander Moiseev. He stressed that nuclear forces remain a guarantor of Russia"s national security. NATO Increases Military Presence in Artctic RegionNATO countries have stepped up military activities in the Arctic region and are increasing their military presence in the region, Aleksander Moiseev added.Moiseev noted that unfriendly states were increasing their military presence in the Arctic region. The commander said that the military and political situation in the Arctic was fraught with the rising risk of conflict, making it vital to monitor security threats. He identified the Arctic as a key area of confrontation between the leading world powers. The navy chief identified the suspension of cooperation with Russia within regional and international organizations, the increase in the foreign military presence in the Arctic and the creation of obstacles by Western countries to Russia"s economic activities in the region as the main reasons for the deterioration of the geopolitical situation in the North.